You can modify the characteristics of idea windows...
・ Lock and Unlock the contents of an idea window. When an idea window is locked, you can select and copy the contents of the window, but you cannot edit it. This command is available in the Idea Menu.
・ Get Information about the window, including the number of lines and characters, as well as the current tab size. The tab size is the width of space inserted when you press the tab key in an idea window (in pixels). From the Get Information window, you can change the current tab setting for an idea window. This command is available in the File Menu.
・ Set Idea Window Style using current window settings. The Default Window style includes: window location, window size, window background color, tab size. The Default Window style is automatically applied to all new idea windows (regardless of which Topic the idea is in). This command is available in the Default Settings Sub-menu nested inside the Edit menu.
・ Apply Idea Window Style to current window. This will take the current saved Default Window style settings and apply them to the current window. This command is available in the Default Settings Sub-menu nested inside the Edit menu.
・ Change the background Color of the current idea window. This window has a Yellow background color. This command is available in the Idea menu.